Fences Fencing Services Metal Fences

Keep Out What You Don’t Want With Barbed Wire Fencing

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When you own property and have animals and a family to protect, it is essential that you have adequate security fencing encompassing the area to keep out all of the undesired visitors.

For some, the undesired visitors will include predators that can injure your livestock, for others the undesired […]

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When you own property and have animals and a family to protect, it is essential that you have adequate security fencing encompassing the area to keep out all of the undesired visitors.

For some, the undesired visitors will include predators that can injure your livestock, for others the undesired guests will include trespassers.

Either way, a secure fence that will deter both humans and animals from entering your property can be recognized with the use of a top quality barb wire fences.

What Is Barb Wire Fencing?

Barb wires are wires that have sharp edges or points arranged at regular intervals and barb wire fences, although dangerous if you were to get yourself entangled in it, is extremely useful as a security measure.

This type of fencing is affordable and can also be easy to install as well; some professionals can install it for you or you could try to give it a go yourself to save even more money.

If you were thinking about constructing the fence yourself, you would definitely need protective clothing and an incredibly strong pair of gloves.

A cut from this type of wire can travel quite deeply under the skin, so you will also need to be assured that any children are educated in some safety issues in regards to the fence and the potential danger.

Where Is Barb Wire Fencing Used?

Barb wire fencing is used for cattle and fences in hilly country areas and in some extreme cases, even around houses and businesses that need protecting.

Wooden posts are kept between for support.

For agriculture, you can have soft wire or high tensile wires; this tensile wire is thinner, but the quality of steel is outstanding so that the livestock or any trespassing person cannot stretch the wire to loosen it.

There are occasions where you may be repairing sections of your current fence and you can use barb wire during this time to maintain your security while you are conducting your repairs.

Barb Wire Used By Many Prisons

Many prisons make use of barb wire fences, even in the top security prisons and this is the perfect demonstration of just how effective it is in keeping what you want in and keeping what you don't want in out.

These types of fences are also challenging to climb, merely for the fact that it would be almost impossible to climb without sustaining some injury.

Be Care If You Get Close to Barb Wire

When you or your family members are close to barb wire fencing, it is imperative not to get too close, especially if you are wearing loose and flowing clothing.

Your clothing can become tangled in the wires, and they will rip.

Regular Maintenance Required

Regular fencing checks are needed to fix repairs immediately if they arise.

Any degradation of the fence or a loose fence post will make your security measures redundant.

There may be times when you will require to replace individual wires or it could be the case that you need to replace a post.

Either way, you are not going to be able to keep the unwanted things out when your fence is faulty and in need of repair.